Sacramento Area Modelers
Warbird Pylon Racing
Bigwood Memorial
Warbird Race 
Registered Pilots
November 1, 2025

Cutoff for total  Pilots is  47 Pilots

Bronze Cutoff 15

Silver Cutoff 32

Total  Spots Left in Bronze -15

Total Spots Left  in Silver -32


 Total - 0


 Total - 0

Registration Fee

Bronze - $30

Silver - $50

************Please Read*************** Please Read************

2023 SAM Warbird Rules Apply

MUST have proof of Current AMA

 Limited to 47 Total Entries (may vary to fill matrix)

Bronze is Limited to 15 Total Entries

 If the limits are filled and you have not registered, please contact me directly.

 If you cannot make the race, please respect other pilots and test me your cancelation.

 Schedule: All registered pilots will recieve a text the night before the event of the schedule for the weekend.
****Subject to change****

Friday           Open Practice

                         Check In open all day

Saturday    7:15 am – Check in Closes (If you do not check in, you do not race)

                        7:30 am – Run Up stands open for run up (cannot fly)

                        8:00 am – Practice Flying Open

                        8:15 am – Flying and Run Up Stands Closed

                        8:20 am – Pilots Meeting

                        8:35 am - National Athem

                        8:40am – Races Start

                        2:00 pm - (Estimated Time) Races over 


Each entry price includes practice, racing .

 Cash and Checks are accepted, sorry no credit cards


 11000 Florin Rd, Sacramento, CA  95830

 Motorhomes, Travel Trailers, 5th Wheels and Tents Welcomed

 Regular cargo trailers are welcomed  (Can be parked in the parking lot next to the covered pits)

 Generators are allowed but must be turned off by 10:00 pm

 Please bring a table, extension cord, and canopy in the case the pit tables are full.

 Extra pitting will be allowed in the parking lot next to the pit tables.

Our Sponsors
"Support Them As They Support Us"

Continuing our remembrance of John Bigwood and his vast impact on SAM Warbird Racing, we will again host the Bigwood Memorial Warbird Pylon Race. As in prior years, this will be largely based on the Eliminator-style race format that Dale Kral originally created. This race offers one final opportunity for our "racing family" to gather & have fun this season, before Winter and the Building Season take over.

The current version of the SAM Warbird Racing Rules apply; but with the following modifications to the format:

Entries are limited to Silver and Bronze classes.

Silver: At the end of 3 qualifying rounds, the 12 pilots with the highest scores/rankings will advance to Round 4. Each remaining pilot's score is reset to zero; and these pilots battle for the top 8 scores/rankings, in order to advance to Round 5. Points are again reset to zero, with the top 4 qualifying pilots advancing to the final Trophy Dash. These pilots will race for the title of the title of "Bigwood Winterfest Warbird Pylon Race Silver Champion," or one of the remaining two spots on the podium.

Bronze: At the end of 3 qualifying rounds, the 10 pilots with the highest scores/rankings will advance to Round 4. Each remaining pilot's score is reset to zero; and these pilots battle for the top 5 scores/rankings, in order to advance to the final Trophy Dash. These pilots will race for the title of the title of "Bigwood Winterfest Warbird Pylon Race Bronze Champion," or one of the remaining two spots on the podium.

Pilots may register for both classes, while openings are available. In the Bronze class however, newer pilots will have priority to enter and race; with veteran pilots filling-in the remaining spots up to the Bronze class Cutoff. If you need any clarification, please contact the race CD listed on the event poster.

Winners will receive an Award Plaque and Prize Money.