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If you have browsed the rest of the S.A.M. website, you see that S.A.M. has a lot to offer, from training for New Pilots to contests for the hottest of flyers.  While we encourage family participation, individual and junior-only participation is more common.

Membership in the Model Academy of Aeronautics (AMA) is a prerequisite for R/C flying at the Sacramento Area Modelers, Inc. Air Park.  AMA dues support a national organization dedicated to R/C modeling and competition.  More importantly, they provide liability insurance in case of mishaps at covered flying sites.  Information on member benefits and a PDF-formatted membership application can be found on AMA's website.

With personal liability coverage by AMA, new pilots are invited to join the Sacramento Area Modelers, Inc. R/C Club, which holds a long-term lease on a flying site near Sunrise Blvd. and Jackson Highway.

Click on the form icon below to download our own S.A.M. membership application package.


Printable membership application form:

Print, fill out, and mail to address shown on application.

(PDF format: you must have a program that reads PDF to view this form)

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New Membership Application

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Renewal Current  Membership Application