Show and Tell

Every few months we have a General Club Meeting held at the flying field on Sunday's at 11:00 am.  These meeting is very informative and discriptive on past, current, and future news.   We encourage members to speak up with any concerns or comments that you may have about any thing in the club.  Our goal is to have 100% of the members to show up for these meetings.
The first order of business is introducing and welcoming visitors, guests, and new members, after which the usual reports are given by various board members and committee chairmen.

All members and guest are welcomed to attend!!!

Members are encouraged to bring in planes they are building or have completed, and show the members present.  If you bring a SHOW-N-TELL, you will have a chance to win more raffle prize tickets.  That is right, we also have a very nice raffle at each meeting.

We are always looking for ways to improve our club meeting and improve the attendance.

It would be great to see all the club members attend for many reasons:
          1.  Meet other club members
          2.  Great social event
          3.  To have the knowledge of what is happening and what is coming to the Sacramento Area Modelers
          4.  A chance to share your views/opinions on ideas for the Sacramento Area Modelers
          5.  Bring something for Show & Tell to brag about or just share your interest/knowledge with everyone else
          6.  Learn something new from other people that bring something for Show & Tell
          7.  You could win something in our raffles
          8.  Overall, it is a lot of fun

General Club Meeting Suggestions

S.A.M. General Club Meeting
Next Meeting:
April 20, 2025 at 11:00 am